Firearms Applications

If you are a Medford Lakes resident and would like to apply for a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit please follow the instructions below.  

Firearms Application Registration System (FARS)

Procedures for Applicants


Step 1:  Visit this website. Enter the site address as follows:


Step 2:  You will be asked to enter a police ORI #.  You MUST enter NJ0032200 or your application will not be sent to Medford Lakes Police and you will have to repay/resubmit your application. You must also enter that ORI# when making your fingerprint appointment, if you require fingerprinting.


Step 3:  Complete the online application.  You may complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.  When completing the application you will need the email addresses of two (2) reputable references.  Your references can be family members.


If you are an INITIAL APPLICANT it is recommended that you apply for the Initial Firearms Identification Card along with a pistol permit. If you apply for the Handgun permit first, you’ll have to re-apply and pay separate fees for the Initial Firearms Identification Card.


Your LEGAL name must be used when applying. Your legal name is typically found on your state issued driver’s license. If your name needs to be updated on your state issued driver’s license, please do so to avoid any delays. Do NOT apply with a “nickname”. Do NOT apply with a suffix if your LEGAL NAME does not contain a suffix. This will avoid delays.


Step 4:  You MUST appear at the Medford Lakes Police Department to PAY for your Initial Firearms Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permits prior to the completion of your background investigation. Upon submitting your application, please drop off your payment to the Medford Lakes Police Department.  Your background WILL NOT be completed until you have PAID for the completion of the background as per N.J.A.C. 13:54-1.4.  Fees:  Initial Firearms Purchaser Identification Card - $50.00

Handgun Purchaser Permit - $25.00 for each permit issued. Replacement Firearms Identification Cards are free of charge. All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Medford Lakes Police Department only excepts cash or checks for payment.


As of October 1, 2020, applications wishing to purchase a handgun will be issued an electronic Handgun permit. E-Permits can be used at NJ firearms dealers as well as for certain NICS exempt handgun transfers/purchases. You will not be picking up an E-Permit but YOU MUST drop off your $25.00 (cash or check only)  per E-Permit prior to the approval of your background investigation.


As of April 1, 2021 all Firearms ID cards will be issued electronically via email. You will NOT be picking up your firearms ID card. For initial Firearm ID cards ONLY, YOU MUST drop of your $50.00 (cash or check only) payment to Medford Lakes Police Department prior to your approval of your background investigation.


Once your application is complete, you will receive an email approval confirmation along with a link provided, YOU MUST  click on the link  to verify your personal information. This will give you access to your E- firearms ID card and or E-permits. You have 3 months from the date of the email approval to verify your information. After 3 months the link will then disappear and YOU MUST RE-APPLY.


Please advise your references that the FARS system will email them the reference questions to be answered.  Your references can complete the questions using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.  Please advise them to complete the questions immediately to progress your background investigation.

The online application is applicant driven.  Please ensure that you have the best phone numbers and emails for yourself and references. If your email or a reference email needs to be corrected, please contact the Medford Lakes Police Department and we will update the email address.


As per the Attorney General, there is a new Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocol. If you currently have a concealed carry permit, law enforcement shall provide individuals who need to requalify until December

31, 2023 to complete the requisite training to comply with the law. Failure to requalify under N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(g) by December 31, 2023 will render the applicable individual’s permit-to-carry invalid.

Memo from the NJ Attorney General regarding Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Protocol:

CCARE Protocol:

Use of Force Interim Training for Private Citizen Concealed Carry- Updated 9/15/23: 

Updated 9/25/2023